Post 1: What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

✅The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.🌏

✅The creativity, knowhow, technology and financial resources from all of society is necessary to achieve the SDGs in every context.👇

Post 2: Results of the International Logo Contest "21C-SDG"

 As you already know (we hope:), an International Logo Contest has been launched recently for pupils from age 10 to 15 which have the creativity and the will to engage the in the challenges of a changing world. ?

According to the criteria and principle of the consortium (Denmark, Italy and Cyprus) the winning logo is the logo from Latvia.??

The student that created it is: Agate Čeirāne, Daugavpils Saskana Basic school, form 4a

In order to encourage the development of creativity and participation in competitions, certificates for participation will be provided as well.

Post 3: Awarding ceremony of logo winner, Daugavpils (Latvia)

Post 4: Goal 4 - Quality Education

Post 5: Objective of the Project

Post 6: Goal 5 - Gender Equality

Post 7: Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

In 2018, 4.2 billion people, 55 percent of the world’s population, lived in cities. By 2050, the urban population is expected to reach 6.5 billion.?

Cities occupy just 3 percent of the Earth’s land but account for 60 to 80 percent of energy consumption

Post 8: Role of the teachers

Post 9: Climate change

Post 10: Goal 14: Life below water

The expansion of protected areas for marine biodiversity and existing policies and treaties that encourage responsible use of ocean resources are still insufficient to combat the adverse effects of overfishing, growing ocean acidification due to climate change and worsening coastal eutrophication.

Post 11: Vejle Kommune

Embracing the opportunities and challenges of globalization, the municipality developed an international strategy, working with international institutions and organizations to share experiences and learn from colleagues abroad.

Post 12: Responsable Consumption and Production

Post 13: ECO-Logic

Post 14: Hub Nicosia

Hub Nicosia is an educational center, a co-working space and a community of individuals, organisations and enterprises with cultural, environmental or social aims.

Post 15: CSCI

The School, Community and Company Consortium CSCI – Consorzio Scuola Comunità Impresa is a Vocational Training Agency, authorized by the Piedmont Regional Government.

It was created as a joint venture between the world of work (Italian and Hungarian private companies), the school world (Italian Schools and University) and the civil service (Municipality of Novara, Municipality of Cameri Foundations, Italian and Romanian Associations, the Chamber of

Commerce of Cadiz-Spain) to:

Foster the development of human and professional resources,

Creating and managing training and refresher programs for workers and young job-seekers, in both the public and the private sectors,

Promote the “contamination” and the dialogue among young people coming from different countries (i.e. young migrants) supporting their social inclusion.

Post 16: Daugavpils City

Daugavpils City Education Department has several successful experiences in international projects, implementation and administration.

Majority of the projects were realized to organise studies and professional development for people who work in the field of education.

Post 17: SDG 6: Clear water and sanitation

Globally, the proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services increased from 61 to 71 per cent between 2000 and 2015 and remained unchanged in 2017.

An additional 19 per cent of the global population used basic drinking water services. This means that 785 million people still lacked even a basic drinking water service.

Post 18: CIIE

CIIE’s solid research capacity and performance is built over existing areas of research strength: public policies in education, evaluation, leadership and school management; diversity, equality and social justice;

initial teacher education and professional development; innovation in teaching and learning;

citizenship education; community education, civic and political participation and social change;

 youth cultures and pathways; empowerment and inclusion through digital education.

Post 19: Key facts about the SDGs:

The idea came from the Rio+20 Summit in 2012 – the largest summit in UN history. Columbia and Guatemala proposed goals to follow on from the Millennium Development Goals, set up in 2000 to halve poverty by 2015.

The new goals are the result of a three-year process involving  national surveys engaging over  million people, making it the biggest consultation in UN history.

Nations finally agreed on a list of 17 goals. Some critics argue that 17 are too many. The goals will not be legally binding, part of a new trend in international policy to prevent endless legal obstructions.

Post 20: More Key facts about the SDGs:

The SDG goals are incredibly important globally, and we must all strive to promote them, act upon them, and fully understand them, of course.

Let’s remind ourselves of the main 17 pillars; No poverty, Zero hunger, Good health and well-being, Quality education, Gender equality, Clean water and sanitation, Affordable and clean energy, Decent work and economic growth, Industry, innovation and infrastructure, Reduced inequalities, Sustainable cities and communities, Responsible consumption and production, Climate action, Life below water, Life on land, Peace and justice, strong institutions, Partnership for the goals.

These are incredibly important for improving the quality of life globally, for people, for economic and societal development, as well as for the flora and fauna – the whole World! This is why we gladly announce that we are in the midst of making a curriculum for these goals that would be accessible for educators, teachers, institutions and much more!

Stay with us for more!

Post 21: News from Latvia

In Latvia the new school year begins on September 1.

Schools should provide Covid-19 containment measures.

One of them – Ensure the same group of students stay together each day with the same staff/teacher (e.g., no switching classes) as much as possible and limit interaction with other classes, staff, and teachers (e.g., schedule breaks and meals at different times).It is difficult time but we hope on improvement.

Daugavpils logo

Post 22: The partnership at work

We gladly announce that we are in the midst of making a curriculum for sustainable development goals that would be accessible for educators, teachers, institutions and much more!

We are working online to improve the project outcomes

Post 23: Something new is coming

We are developing a board game, which can be played both digitally as well as printed and played analogue.

The purpose of the board game is to increase knowledge of and raise awareness about the 6 UN World Goals and the 21 Century Digital Skills.

Stay with us

Post 24: Roadmap for humanity

Everything around you is Energy. It can come in different forms – mechanical, thermal, radiant, electrical, chemical or nuclear.
One wind turbine can produce enough electricity to power up to 300 homes!
Fossil Fuels are being burned faster than they are formed. Experts are predicting that it will run out soon.
Oil is still the largest source of primary energy worldwide.

Post 25: Interеsting facts about energy

Everything around you is Energy. It can come in different forms – mechanical, thermal, radiant, electrical, chemical or nuclear.
One wind turbine can produce enough electricity to power up to 300 homes!
Fossil Fuels are being burned faster than they are formed. Experts are predicting that it will run out soon.
Oil is still the largest source of primary energy worldwide.

Earth image

Post 25: Interеsting facts about energy

Everything around you is Energy. It can come in different forms – mechanical, thermal, radiant, electrical, chemical or nuclear.
One wind turbine can produce enough electricity to power up to 300 homes!
Fossil Fuels are being burned faster than they are formed. Experts are predicting that it will run out soon.
Oil is still the largest source of primary energy worldwide.

Earth image

Post 26: 21C-SDG

”21st Century Skills in the context of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for Pupils” – is a project funded by Erasmus+ and composed by 6 partners from Portugal, Italy, Cyprus, The Republic of North Macedonia, Latvia and Denmark.

Post 27: The 21C-SDG activities continue

The 21C-SDG activities continue – now with more active testing sessions! ?

We keep on reminding the youths foremost about the importance of sustainable development, and above all, the sustainable development goals. Such goals truly contribute to creating a better environment for all of us.

This time we work on surveys and questionnaires prior to the main testing of the project modules; i.e., their functionality, and their practicality among the pupils.

But also, after the initial testing, we all together will evaluate 5 factors about the SDGs, such as creativity, problem-solving, collaboration, digital literacy, and entrepreneurship. The outcome of the testing will be actively implemented in schools, libraries, and all sorts of educational premises.

We work actively on improving the values about our environment, not just locally, but worldwide as well!

Post 28: Phase of testing - Macedonia, Eco - Logic

The development of the digital skills for pupils is in its full emphasis. This was confirmed with the successful testing of part of the modules in the manual that is in its preparatory phase whose goal is building the skills of the 21 century, as an increase of the knowledge linked to the goals of sustainable development.

We also express gratitude towards the elementary school Malina Popivanova, from which the pupils and teachers were included in the implementation of the activities in the online platform.

Post 29: The testing phase of our Project 21C - SDG runs smoothly

Second stop: testing the climate action activities that were developed by teachers of The American Academy Nicosia !! These activities aim at enhancing pupils’ 21st century skills, such as collaboration, creative thinking, citizenship, etc.

Special thanks to Thekla Georgiou for our wonderful collaboration!!

Like & Share project’s FB page to keep updated.

Post 30: Piloting in Latvia

Within the framework of the Project 21C – SDG the approbation of the lesson “The Role of Women in Society” took place at Daugavpils Saskanas Basic School.  During the lesson, students had the opportunity to gain mutual understanding about topic’s significance, participated in discussions, worked in groups.  While students were collaborating with each other, they created mind maps “What does it mean to be a woman today?” and “What does it mean to be a man today?”. At the end of the lesson the following conclusions were made: Ensuring equal access for women and girls to education, health care, decent work and representation in political and economic decision-making processes – contributes to a sustainable economy and benefits society and humanity as a whole.   

Post 31: More Piloting in Latvia

Testing of the lesson “Second Life of Waste” took place at Daugavpils Saskanas Basic School. Pupils have learnt what climate change is and what causes it, took part in discussions: “What is waste and what can it be?”, “Where does the waste we create go and what happens to it?”. That is why pupils became aware that waste is one of the biggest and most dangerous pollutants in the environment, contributing to climate change.  

Also they have learnt how to properly sort waste, to fold plastic bags for easy storage and reuse. The most valuable thing was that pupils, while working in a group, have made a useful thing from recyclable materials, and came to the coclusion that, for example: new soap can be poured out of used soap residues; a new candle can be poured from pieces of burnt out candles, which, when burning quietly, will create a cozy atmosphere at home; a convenient organizer can be made from toilet paper rolls or emptied metal cans; an original sports bag can be made from an outdated T-shirt; a beautiful vase can be made from empty glass bottles.

Pupils were especially attracted to make their hand-made paper (for that old newspapers and other types of paper were used). Their own hand-made paper can be used to make gifts, postcards or bookmarks. At the end of the lesson, the following conclusions were made: we depend on nature and nature depends on our actions.

Post 32: Progress of the Project

It is good to remind ourselves about the primary phases and successes of the project 21C- SDG. It was exactly in those phases that 10 schools joined, however, the benefits of the realized activities will be utilized optimally by many, many more schools and people; teachers, pupils, students, educational institutions, and more. This is a proof that with willpower and efforts, we can achieve more, and influence the next generations!  On the link/picture below, you can see who was included in these testing sessions, and the contribution stages:

Find the list of participating schools here


By 2030 the inclusive and sustainable urbanization should be improved, as well as the capacity for participatory, integrated and sustainable planning and managing of the locations with inhabitants in all countries. 

The pupils of elementary school “Risto Shuklev“ Negorci, under mentorship of their teachers, explore and research, and educate themselves in regards to the topic of cycling as a whole segment from goal.11, and they build their skills of 21 century – preparation of power point presentation.

The time spent in front of computers can be quality time, and these pupils are proof of that!

Post 34: Key benefits of learning about the SDGs

One of the key benefits of learning about the SDGs is that it opens students’ minds to different communities and experiences outside of their own.

Empathy and curiosity are at the heart of global citizenship. They give students an awareness of the wider world, and its values and identities. This helps the development of students into more well-rounded citizens of the world and shows them the ways in which they can make a difference in the future. 

It is envisioned that this curriculum will help teachers to develop successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens who are resilient and uphold the core values and principles.

Post 35: Training preparations for teachers

Today we publish about the latest training preparations for teachers, as part of the education project for the Sustainable Development Goals.

The workshop strives for exchange, but also adapting modules and materials for study, as well as a commitment to make sure that the best of all practices is focus, while simultaneously taking into consideration different local contexts from project partners.

The results of the workshop will be:- Exchange of best practices for tutoring with the Sustainable Development Goals, and same name goals from United Nations- Adjustments of materials, modules, and platform- Increased knowledge of how to use the United Nations goals, in order to promote the Sustainable Development Goals of the 21st century among the young people- Capacity and building a set of skills by teachers / coachesMore information coming soon! 

Post 36: Teacher Training Day 1

Interesting, informative, productive, inspiring – are part of the participant s’ thoughts that were part of the first day of holding the teacher training in the framework of Project 21C-SDG.

As an introductory presentation, the challenges and opportunities of the sustainable development goals were shared, as well as the connection between education and community.

Also, the participants were informed about the prepared handbook which is a great tool for teachers and educators, using it to simplify the way of working. The handbook contains presentations, innovative methods and principles of learning the subject in order to bring closer the meaning of sustainable development goals, as well as building digital skills.

The training will be held for three days so stay tuned for new information

Post 37: Teacher Training Day 2

On the second day of the training the participants were organized in working groups. These working groups were formed by teachers from different countries.

Each work team were focused on one of the six SDGs worked on the 21C-SDG project. Within each working group, their members were sharing their particular experiences in the learning tool development and testing, identifying positive and negative aspects.

Post 38: Inspire to aspire

The general expression of the teacher training was: “Inspire to aspire“.As well, emotional and practical input was distributed among the participants. We’re sharing experience and opinions with teachers from: Denmark, Cyprus, Macedonia, Italy, Latvia and Portugal!

We must reinforce our actions in promoting sustainable development.

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