21C-SDG is an Erasmus+ funded project composed by 6 European partners from Denmark, Cyprus, Portugal, Italy, Latvia and the North of Macedonia. The project has started in September 2019 and will end in August 2021.
The project aims to increase pupils’ skills and competences in 21st century skills with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as the framework. This will be done by developing online learning materials and modules about SDG 4, 5, 11, 12, 13 and 14 for pupils between 10 and 15 years, aiming to improve their understanding of current societal issues, i.e. environment, circular economy etc. The digital materials will focus on enhancing pupils’ 21st century skills, which are essential for young people’s success and development in the 21 st century. The highlighted skills include: character, citizenship, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking.
pupils at the age of 10-15
Intellectual outputs
Output 1 – Development of learning materials and modules
The project will develop 6 modules, one for each of the selected SDGs (Quality Education, Gender Equality, Sustainable cities and communities, Responsible consumption and production, Climate action, Life below water)
Output 2 – Development of an online platform
The project will develop and online platform, where teachers will be able to
access the learning materials.
Output 3 – Evaluation
The partnership will evaluate the modules and learning materials and how/if
they have improved pupils’ knowledge of UN SDGs and enhanced their 21st
century skills.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/21CSDG/ 

Instagram account: 21csdg

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