Vejle Kommune – Denmark
The Municipality of Vejle is the sixth largest municipality in Denmark with a population of 114,000: It is the capital of Region South Denmark. "Vejle...Making things happen" sum up Vejle's vision. It is also among the leading municipalities in entrepreneurship and digital education.
Consorzio Scuola Comunità Impresa – Italy
Consorzio Scuola Comunità Impresa is the name of a vocational training agency established in 1999 in Novara (Piedmont). Gathering private and public entities, CSCI aims to build good relations and opportunities of development between school, public administration and business.
Daugavpils pilsētas Izglītības Pārvalde – Latvia
Daugavpils city (Latvia) municipal institution that coordinates community education (approximately 90,000 inhabitants). The education department (with staff of 76 people) is aware of the municipality's educational functions and all the issues associated with it in the second largest city in Latvia.
Eco Logic – the North of Macedonia
ECO - LOGIC is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of the environment, the promotion of modern ecological practices and the monitoring and promotion of the principle of sustainable development.
Hub Nicosia – Cyprus
Hub Nicosia is an educational NGO, a collaborative area and a community of individuals and organizations with cultural, environmental or social goals. Hub Nicosia aims to mobilize young people to fully engage in civic and economic life.
Universidade do Porto – Portugal
Founded in 1911, UPORTO (University of Porto) is one of the largest Portuguese institutions of higher education and researchers. Among its faculties, FPCEUP (Faculty of Psychology and Education, established in 1980), approx. 1500 students on master's, master's and doctoral programs, and over 1000 people come every year to participate in vocational training activities.
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