Knowledge and education are considered among the major factors contributing to the reduction of poverty, sustainable development, and economic growth. The SDGs have been specifically created to draw attention to some of the biggest environmental challenges in the world today. As the SDGs are wide-reaching and can be used to provide new perspectives and real-world context to lesson plans. Students need to be aware of cultural norms and differences around the world so that they can succeed and thrive. The SDGs are universal goals for all people and are inherently global in nature. Learning about these initiatives will help students develop insights into issues around the world, such as lack of access to clean water and gender equality. These issues are inseparable from culture, and to truly understand the SDGs, students need to learn about the world around them. Developing global citizens who are passionate about caring for others and our world is essential for them to be members of our society. The curriculum includes chapters with extensions in which we discuss how to use certain educational resources. 

Structure of the curriculum

The curriculum is organised in 6 modules. Each module will focus on the intersection between one specific Sustainable Development Goal and the acquisition of 21st century skills. The promoted skills are based on Michael Fullan’s 6 Global Competencies, and include character, citizenship, collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. Module 1 explores in depth Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Quality Education. Module 2 focuses on Sustainable Development Goal 5 – Gender equality. Module 3 aims to highlight Sustainable Development Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities. Module 4 promotes Sustainable Development Goal 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production. Module 5 presents Sustainable Development Goal 13 – Climate Action. And, finally, Module 6 focuses on Sustainable Development Goal 14 – Life below Water.

Each module comprises:

*a theoretical introduction about the dedicated Sustainable Development Goal and the acquisition of 21st century skills that will enhance the knowledge of both students and teachers;

*a repository of 6 learning tools that promote the acquisition of 21st century skills through the knowledge around each Sustainable Development Goal;

*a repository of country-specific good practices.

The curriculum you can find on the following link:

Curriculum 21C-SDG


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